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Главная » 2021 » Июль » 17 » How to cure coronavirus- the proposal to scientists and doctors
How to cure coronavirus- the proposal to scientists and doctors

There  is a method for treating coronavirus with using emitting.

The method is based on the resonance phenomenon.

Nobel laureate in medicine, French professor Luc MontagnierМонтанье,_Люк

argues that vaccines may not meet the hopes of humanity to get rid of the artificially created COVID-19.

Montagnier was interested in the electromagnetic emitting of any living matter, which, of course, includes viruses.

According to the professor, he could  to record the ultra-weak electromagnetic emitiing of COVID-19 molecules.

Based on his largely confirmed hypothesis about the electromagnetic radiation of a living cell, Montagnier proposes to select emitting  for the treatment of COVID-19 that inhibits the structure of the SARS virus, which, according to this theory, should logically lead to its death.see-!%20sars-cov-2%20i%20metka%20zverya.%20otvety%20entoni%20petcha.%20(video).html

Thus, all that is required to be done by scientists and doctors:

1 find the vibration frequency of coronavirus molecules, which can be obtained from Luc Montagnier (France).

2 Obtain an MRT device from organizations involved in MICROWAVE RESONANCE THERAPY.-for example in MNIOI of. P.A. Herzen or find them in the search.
Tune device  to the frequency of the coronavirus molecules.After this-affect the lungs (human).

3 Clarify the frequency and time of exposure.


I suggest to use -as frequencies for influencing the coronavirus

1 the frequency of the coronavirus molecules. Then, with the phenomenon of resonance, the coronavirus molecules will be destroyed (see.

Resonance - Wikipedia


With the phenomenon of resonance, the destruction of objects occurs when the natural frequency of the object and the frequency of exposure coincide.


2 higher frequency


3 lower frequency


4 lung vibration frequency


5 vibration frequency of healthy cells in the body


I propose to conduct a series of experiments on animals (monkeys) and find a suitable frequency and apply the method to humans.

After the destruction of the molecules of the coronavirus by the frequencies, I propose to manipulate the frequencies of the lungs or the frequencies of healthy cells of the body some time.

This is my suggestion to scientists and doctors.

Please try! Help organize experiments to find the right frequencies , treat the coronavirus and create such devices!


Treatment could be taken over by medical institutions dealing with MICROWAVE RESONANCE THERAPY in any country. (To find them, you just need to turn on the search for MICROWAVE RESONANCE THERAPY in your country).They already have devices - you just need to tune them to the frequency of the coronavirus molecules.

The cost of 1 session of Microwave Resonance Therapy is about 9-10 dollars.

It will take 10-20 MRT sessions to treat 1 person.

Thus, the treatment of one person will cost 100-200 dollars.

You can also treat cancer with this method.


For example, this is how cancer is treated in Russia

in the hospital MNIOI them. P.A. Herzen - branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "National Medical Research Center of Radiology" of the Ministry of Health of Russia.


And finally, Vanga predicted that in 2021 a Russian person who does not live in Russia will heal everyone with rays that kill all microbes. (... I live in the DPR )



I am a housewife. I have no opportunity to conduct medical experiments, but I have a good idea that I offer to all humanity!


1The vibration frequency of the coronavirus molecules can be obtained from Montagnier (France),

2 and the device can be taken from the P.A. Herzen Moscow Oncological Institute,

in organizations dealing with Microwave Resonance Therapy

or a new one can be created.


Help organize experiments to find the right frequencies and treat the coronavirus!


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