Coronavirus is a plan to reduce the world's population and to inject chips to all inhabitants of the planet.
The World Government wants to do chippization of all humanity during vaccination against coronavirus, (and in other ways), and then influence at everyone with 5G.
Chips will be in all coronavirus vaccines, except Russian and Chinese-see
There will be chips in ALL American , English, WHO`s coronavirus vaccines
Those, who will inject vaccines with chips-become cyborgs, zombies
1 Vaccines Pfizer,Moderna,AstraZeneca ,CoviShield contain chips.
2 People get infected with coronavirus when tested for coronavirus
A PART OF TESTS- ARE INFECTED by coronavirus.WHO-is organization of the World Government.The purpose of coronavirus-is reduction of citizens of our the Earth and chippization of all citizens of our the Earth.The more will do tests-the MORE WILL BE ILL ON CORONAVIRUS.It is no need to do testing!
During vaccination -they do chippization of people
1 during measuring the temperature, laser chips are applied to the forehead.see-
It is need to measure of temperature at home-before vaccination by ordinary thermometer. Or by electronic thermometer-not by Pirometer-that has a function of marking-applying the laser bar code
2 They do chippization of people during vaccination.
Vaccines Pfizer.Moderna,Astrazeneca,CoviShield contain nanochips.
The proofs are presented in articles in Russian:
Moderna -
3 QR-codes-it is type of chips.Taking of QR- codes means agreement on subordination to Antichrist.
- It is no need to use QR-codes-it is possible to give numbered enquiries.
4 certificates about vaccination-is a type of chippization.Please give numbered enquiries!
Soon they will do vaccination-chippization of children.
For this-chipped children will become-
1 obsessed,
2 fool,
3 weak-willed
4 will be ill and will die early
5 after death will go to the hell-for chipping.
Authority of countries that do chippization of children ,
members of the World Government will become:
1 obsessed,
2 fool,
3 weak-willed
For Karma of chipped people
4 die early -for stolen childhood
5 will go to the hell and animal forms of reincarnation-for stolen the Saint Spirit.
Please-help to prevent chippization of children of all our the Earth-
use Russian and Chinese vaccines for vaccination-because they don`t contain chips.
Also-please don`t do another types of chippization of children during vaccination!
According to Professor Mike Eadon - Former Vice President of Phizer- we shouldn't even offer these vaccines to the general population of children, because children themselves are not at risk of dying from the coronavirus. Children don`t transmit the virus to other people, and vaccines of any kind, unfortunately, have very low safety rates.
If you force all children to be vaccinated, about 100 children in every million will die. This will be a direct result of your decision. And the vaccine won't save a single life.
Prominent epidemiologists, including Stanford's John Ioannidis, estimate that children are at a much higher risk of getting sick and dying from the flu than from Covid-19. Covid-19 doesn`t kill children!
First, children are very rarely infected with this virus. And very rarely they have at least some symptoms. And the likelihood that they will die is super low. We know why this is so. To enter our cells, the virus must attach itself to a protein outside the cell called AEC-2. In order to gain access to your children, to their cells, it must bind to this protein, and thus get inside.
It has been found that young animals, like children, have very few such receptors, and it is difficult for the virus to penetrate the cells of children. My conclusion: Children are not at risk of contracting either Sars-Cov-2 or its Covid-19.
Professor Mike Eadon asks: please don`t vaccinate children to protect them. Because statistically, the mortality rate for them from covid-19 is zero.
And please don`t vaccinate children in order to supposedly “protect vulnerable people from them”, because there is no case when they have infected someone else. Because they don't get sick, and a person must be sick in order to infect others.
And finally, the vaccines themselves, unfortunately, due to new technology used by pharmaceutical companies, are associated with higher mortality rates in children from bleeding and blood clots than the mortality rate from the virus itself.
The only solution is to vaccinate adults around, but don`t vaccinate children.
the whole article in Russian is here:!%20republikaciya:%20dobavlena%20stenogramma%20video.%20sensacionnoe%20svidetelstvo%20professora%20%20michael%20yeadon%20(byvshego%20vice-prezidenta%20pfizer)%20na%20ravvinskom%20sude%20(video).html
Videos are here-
Maybe, instead of vaccination of children, it is better 1 to use a new method of treating coronavirus -see-How to cure coronavirus- the proposal to scientists and doctors.
- or 2 vaccinate children by vaccines that don`t contain chips - for example,by Russian or Chinese vaccines.
3 or vaccinate only adults around children
4 or instead of vaciination-chippization of children, it is need to eliminate the reasons that cause coronavirus-turn off computer NATO Beast-because coronavirus is caused by it through frequencies-see
How chips, 5G, coronavirus and NATO`s computer Beast are related
Computer NATO Beast
will influence at all chipped and together with psyops of NATO and the Pentagon will carry out mind-control.
Also computer NATO Beast together with climate weapons will cause disasters in countries which did chippization.
In order to stop punishing countries and people by Beast, it is necessary either to stop all types of chippization , or to turn off Beast.
See more here- Computer NATO Beast.Компьютер НАТО Зверь
Please help humanity- to stop chippization in your countries and at all our the Earth!
It is need use Russian and Chinese vaccines for vaccination-because they don`t contain chips.Or it need demand to all chipped to turn off computer NATO Beast.
Let's save us and our children from chippization together!see
8 simple steps to stop coronavirus at all our the Earth
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