Сайт о ХААРП и Мировом Правительстве Четверг, 23.01.2025, 01:57
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On May 6, Antichrist reigned.
[ Скачать с сервера (33.0 Kb) ] 10.05.2023, 16:23

On May 6,  Antichrist reigned. Soon there will be Judgment Day on the planet. (If we do not prevent it together)see- How to prevent Doomsday,if all will be chipped?  

On May 6, 2023, the King of England Charles 3 was crowned. At the time of the coronation, he swore an oath to obey  to the NATO`s computer the Beast. The WG  believe that everyone will obey to Charles 3. No, not to him, but-to the Beast-because  Charles 3 unconsciously whispered something and swore an oath to the Beast .So the Antichrist is the NATO`s computer the Beast and the King of England Charles 3 , new Head of the World Government, through whom  the Beast will try to subjugate all of humanity to itself and to the World Government,to establish a New World Order.

Read more about the Beast here-

Computer NATO the Beast want to kill 6 billion citizens of our the Earth 

Coronavirus is a plan to reduce the world's population and inject chips to all inhabitants of our the Earth. 

The World Government wants to  do chippization of  all  humanity during vaccination  for   coronavirus, (and in other ways), (to manage by humanity)and then influence at everyone with help of computer NATO the Beast and 5G.

Idea of coronavirus was created by computer NATO  the Beast.(AI)

All that was need to find- was the sin of mother  and father of Elizabeth 2 who ordered to kill members of the Tsars family  in Russia in 1918.

After that, the crown from the head of  murdered Russian Empress Alexandra  worn  Elizabeth 2.

Instead of this was made coronavirus and were chipped almost all citizens of our the Earth-almost 8 billions.

Because England understand all citizens of our the Earth as it ownership.

The head of the World Government is the King (Queen) of England. They treat all the inhabitants of the planet as their slaves. This is due to the theory of the Golden Billion and the relationship of the World Government and the inhabitants of the planet. See-

The Theory Of The "Golden Billion" | Secrets and riddles 2023

 For coronavirus must

1  the Beast

2 England and members of the  British Royal family

3 Those , who -made coronavirus.

in all vaccines-are nanochips.

Those, who will inject  vaccines with chips-become cyborgs, zombies.

They will not feel the introduction of chips and will be like sleeping cyborgs,zombies.

There will be chips in ALL coronavirus vaccines 

Bayer executive says covid mRNA shots are “gene therapy” falsely marketed as “vaccines”-

Covid “vaccines” are reprogramming people’s bodies to become a new AI-driven slave race 

After the coronation of the Antichrist - according to  Bible, there will soon be Judgment Day. See-

Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

4Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.


As a result of the Day of Judgment, the Beast and the Antichrist will perish, and all the chipped( now there are almost 8 billion people) will be forced to go to hell.

America and England will perish.

Pl,americans,help to unplug computer NATO the Beast-or the Beast will delete the North America 

Pl,read-what Bible-Revelation says about Doomsday.

 see more in attached file

Категория: Мировое Правительство | Добавил: Rasatala
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