Сайт о ХААРП и Мировом Правительстве Среда, 08.01.2025, 04:34
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The important information about coronavirus
[ Скачать с сервера (25.0 Kb) ] 19.11.2024, 12:52

In 2025, the World Government plans to start doing psi-terror (tortures) and killing people through chips, to reduce the population of the planet to 1 billion slaves and 1 billion owners. - see the theory of the Golden Billion.(below)

Vaccination against coronavirus will greatly help this, because  all modern injections of WHO and all countries- contain nanochips.see

The New mRNA COVID Vaccines Inject an Operating System into Your Body – Not a Conspiracy Theory, Moderna Admits It

Pl read-  and

There are chips in ALL injections and vaccines now

Coronavirus is a scam of  the WHO and the World Government. Coronavirus was created for  order of the British Royal Family in a biochemical laboratory(not in  Chinese). It was made  for vaccination-chipping of all inhabitants of the planet and subordination of all inhabitants of the planet to the Queen (King) of England - the head of the World Government.

Therefore, in order to prevent psi-terror (tortures) and killing through chips of citizens  of your country - please read the information about coronavirus!

In order not to get sick with coronavirus - you don`t need to be tested - because they infect us when they do testing for coronavirus - see

The important information about TESTS for coronavirus 

 and there is no need to get chipped, vaccinated, (vaccinated   against coronavirus)because the symptoms of coronavirus are caused by NATO`s computer the Beast through chips-by frequencies.see-

 Symptoms of coronavirus are caused by computer NATO Beast by FREQUENCIES

Don`t do vaccination(chipping) against coronavirus in your country!

All chipped people according Bible will have to go to hell-see

all file you can download here-

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Категория: Мировое Правительство | Добавил: Rasatala | Теги: Coronavirus, коронавирус
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